Ehsaas Masawaat Program Check Online Registration 2025

Ehsaas Masawaat program is yet another thoughtful initiative for the transgender community of Pakistan that is living the most vulnerable lives due to zero opportunities being given to them and lack of acceptance. The online registration for this initiative is open the transgender community is encouraged to apply in this program. Our society is based on two pillars which are men and women.

Ehsaas Masawaat Program Online Registration

Both genders are equally important constituents of our country and of one’s society. If any of the gender is missing, society would not be complete. Likewise, both genders are supposed to be provided with equal rights. If any of the genders is deprived of their social rights, basic facilities, and requirements of daily life, there might be a chance of destruction of society.

Ehsaas Masawaat Program 2025

Islam is a religion that teaches equal social rights to women and men. Women are no less than men in any capacity. If we look at our surroundings, we get to see that women are equally flourishing and creating their impact in every field. Women have an active role in every department. If a society strengthens the women of a society, it ultimately brings happiness, a sense of equality, and progression in a country

The purpose of mentioning the above-mentioned discussion is to enlighten an extremely important factor of society. If we emphasize the importance of an equal distribution of social rights in both genders. One must not forget that transgenders who are also human beings and are being sent by Allah Almighty into this world also deserve social rights. A country or a society has a responsibility to provide all the basic requirements, and rights of education, rights of employment, medical facilities, and so on

Initiative of Ehsaas Masawaat Program:

Pakistan is an underdeveloped country and is already struggling with poverty, political instability, and a declining economy. It has become so difficult for the Government to provide relief to the population. But Ahsaas program is a platform that serves humanity through different sub-programs. The Ahsas program has already been doing wonders to bring out a sense of relief and prosperity in various ways in our country

Initiative of Ehsaas Masawaat Program

Another initiative by Ehsaas Programme is the Ehsaas Masawaat Program which is started for the provision of equal social rights to the transgenders of our country. An appreciable step by the Ahsaas Masawaat program towards the betterment of transgenders to bring prosperity to their livelihoods. Ahsaas Masawaat program works with a proper protocol of online registration based on an Eligibility Criteria which will be mentioned in detail in this article.

If transgenders are not provided with their basic rights due to discrimination in society, they will become the victim of a vulnerable life. It will increase the crime rate, sense of inequality, and destruction in the country.

Online Registration of Ehsaas Masawaat Program CNIC Check

This is for the residents of the Province of Punjab transgenders to opt for the registration process for Ahsas Masawaat program. The management of the program has kept the registration process quite hassle-free so that the transgender community will have access to the program. This is how the maximum number of transgenders can reach up to the registration process and get facilitated.

Online Registration of Ehsaas Masawaat Program CNIC Check

The registration for the Ahsaas Masawaat Ehsaas Programme of 2025 for transgenders has been started and follows the given procedure.

  1. The transgender who is willing to get registered in the Ehsaas Masawaat program, the transgender is supposed to visit the nearby Nadra office along with the ID card which shows the person is transgender.
  2. If the transgender is disabled, it is a must to show the certificate of disability of the transgender.
  3. In the NADRA office, the transgender is provided by the web portal of 8171.
  4. The web portal requires to be provided by few credentials by the transgenders including a SIM number and National ID card number.
  5. After providing the required information, an SMS will be received on SIM shortly.
  6. Fulfilling the above-mentioned protocol, the transgender will be able to receive monthly financial aid from the Ahsaas Masawaat Program.

Eligibility Criteria of Ahsaas Masawaat Program:

Ahsaas Masawaat program is the Kafalat program for transgenders which works on the problems related to their lives. A monthly stipend of 2 to 3 thousand rupees is provided to transgenders. This relief brings a sense of social protection among them. The eligibility criteria for Ahsas Masawaat Program are given below.

Eligibility Criteria of Ahsaas Masawaat Program
  1. The transgender must be a resident of Punjab to become eligible for this Kafalat program.
  2. The age of transgender must be between 18 to 40 years.
  3. The transgenders age between 18 to 40 should have an ID card with a mentioned disability if any.
  4. Those transgenders who are more than forty years of age must have an ID card for trans.

Goals of Ehsaas Masawaat Program:

Ahsaas Masawaat Ehsaas programme works as a holistic approach for transgenders. Since birth, the transgender community has faced discrimination, hate, unequal rights provision, lack of social protection, etc. The problems which are faced by the transgenders make them prone to a very vulnerable livelihood. Usually, the transgenders are abandoned by their families and most of them are helpless and homeless. They are often compelled to beg for their daily life expenses which leads them towards crime.

Goals of Ehsaas Masawaat Program

So, the Ahsaas Masawaat program works on the following objectives and goals to bring prosperity for the transgender community.

  1. With the Ehsaas Masawaat Program funds given to transgenders, the medical facility of transgenders is provided which improves their overall health.
  2. Ahsaas Masawaat program provides a pathway to transgenders for skill training to help them earn and become independent.
  3. Interest-free loans are provided to transgenders to help them start a business and make a bright future for themselves.
  4. The Ahsaas Masawaat program provides resources for generating income and providing educational facilities to transgenders.
  5. Shelter is provided to transgenders so that they do not have to be homeless and become a victim of any abuse.


How to apply and get registered under the ehsaas Masawaat Program online registration?

The transgender community in the Punjab provide of Pakistan can apply in this program by visiting then nearest ehsaas center. They will be required to provide their valid NADRA CNIC and other details to get register.

What is the purpose of the ehsaas Masawaat program and what benefits are received under it?

The ehsaas Masawaat program was launched with the objective of addressing the challenges the transgender community of Pakistan face on daily basis and to provide them with equal rights as other citizens.

What are the eligibility criteria set for transgenders to be able to apply in this program?

To be eligible for the Ahsaas Masawaat Program, transgenders must be residents of Punjab, aged between 18 to 40 years. Also, they must have a valid CNIC and their NSER survey should already be done.

Final Verdict:

Ahsas Masawaat program is initiated with the objective which aims to provide resources to transgenders that ultimately improve their overall lifestyle. Monthly financial support from the program is provided to the eligible transgenders of Punjab. Undoubtedly, the transgenders are provided with an excellent opportunity by Ehsaas Masawaat to improve their living standards.

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